ZtoZ is a survival party game where you and your friends are seated at a table surrounded by zombies. You'll need to read a card while impersonating a zombie in order to survive.
The catch, is that zombies have no sense of humor. Anyone laughing, smiling, giggling, grinning, or displaying any signs of mirth (or a bad zombie impersonator) is eaten.
Last person remaining at the table wins.
OutbreakIn outbreak, anyone at the table that smiles or laughs during any one vs one face off is eliminated.
During the challenge variant, pick the person at the table you want to face off with instead of always the next person to your left.
During the zombie chorus, the zombies around the table will pick a song to sing with a zombie lead and the rest as back-up. Try some of these suggestions to get you started: the chorus of "California Dreamin'", "Blue Christmas", or the chorus of "Sweet Caroline".
Extra thanks to the following people that helped this game come together:Kimberly Newland | Tim Ellis | Melissa Edwards | Ryan Burrell | Alex Calhoun |
Eric Chon | Hillary Crenshaw | Alex DeMoss | Rebecca DeMoss | Andrew Federspiel |
Christopher Floyd | Jess Floyd | Ashley Freeman | Sanatana Mishra | Tim Rurkowski |
Colm Seely | Sean Willoughby |